I must say that 2021 has been the most wonderful year of my marriage!!! My dear husband's journey into total slave life continues. And it has gone so much further than I ever imagined would be possible! Today he has been permanently locked 24/7/365 and completely denied orgasms for 2 YEARS!!!! If I had known the marvelous effect on his mind of being kept in permanent chastity I would have locked up his cock much sooner!
After the travel restrictions got lifted in 2021 I could finally begin to let other women rent my slave-husband. So far he has been serving women in Sweden, Holland and England. I make all the arrangements. He asks no questions and he serves as I have told him to - no matter if he's being rented for making porn videos or for being used off camera. I love my wonderful real life-slave-whore, and I am so PROUD of him! In 2022 I have already made arrangements for him so serve dominant women in Amsterdam, Malmo, Doncaster, Leicester and London. And the most wonderful thing is when satisfied and happy women ask me to have him again and again!
His behavior has improved by 1000% since I began punishing his mistakes by beating his testicles instead of caning his Bottom. That put a little fear into him and did the trick! It has made him almost perfect!
I have begynd using my fucking machines a lot more, and I absolutely love my worshipping box!
In fact I now control almost every aspect of his life. I control his weight and can mark his body as I want to - even add my Coat of Arms on his ass and use him as my full time human urinal.
People often ask me if I don't miss SEX when his cock is locked. And the answer is NO! I have never had more sex and more orgasms in my entire life! In October his wonderful tongue made me cum 63 times (that's right: SIXTYTHREE times!).
Despite the COVID-19 and all the trouble it has caused, 2021 has been a wonderful year. A year back I thought that my marriage couldn't get any better. I was so wrong …. I love my total submissive 100% locked and denied slave-husband!!
Enjoy the little video of me setting a new anal fisting record: 51 cm of my arm inside my slave-husband ….. the full video is of course as always available on my LoverFans :-)
Miss M.
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